Relieving Pain, Repairing Muscles & Joints
Nuvalanconone is a proprietary herbal formula clinically proven to address multiple pathways of pain and inflammation to enable the repair and recovery of muscles and joints.

About NuvaLanconone
NuvaLanconone contains Lanconone® a proprietary formula made up of seven authenticated Ayurvedic herbs. These specially selected herbs complement each other, working synergistically to address multiple pathways that are responsible for joints, nerves and inflammatory-associated pain.

The Medicines of Antiquity
Ayurvedic medicine (also called Ayurveda ) is one of the world’s oldest medical systems originating in India. It has been in continuous use for at least 5,000 years. Ayurveda strengthens the body from within to heal itself and Ayurvedic herbs are designed to help support the body’s natural functioning and healing.
Musculoskeletal Pain Post-Covid-19
The post-Covid-19 era has seen a range of muscle and joint pain symptoms left behind by the virus, which has been shown to trigger various auto-inflammatory reactions throughout the body. This musculoskeletal inflammation has created a need in both young and older patients seeking a solution beyond osteoarthritis and muscles injuries.​
Distinguishing between muscle pain and joint pain can be tricky as the symptoms often overlap making it difficult to pinpoint the exact source of pain.

Uprooting Muscle and Joint Pain
Nuvalanconone targets the root cause of joint and muscle pain by addressing multiple inflammatory pathways that contribute to the problem. Its unique blend of natural ingredients not only reduces inflammation but also promotes tissue repair, supporting faster recovery and long-term relief.
You don’t have to rely on painkiller medications forever. If you’re struggling with muscle or joint pain, tap into the pain-relief and reparative benefits of Nuvalanconone to help restore balance to your body.
Fast-acting, meaningful pain relief
Promotes repair and restores function
Safe, effective results proven by clinical studies against NSAIDS painkillers [i]
[i] Girandola et al. Trials (2016) 17: 189

Recommended dose: Two capsules twice daily after food.
What are the Herbs within Lanconone?
Although some of these herbs are present in other formulas also, what makes Lanconone unique is:
The use of authenticated herbal sources
The fine selection of the parts of the herbs that displays anti-inflammatory benefits by certified herbalists
The unique ratio of herbs within the formula
The application of the formula in regulated clinical trials that proves its effectiveness
Can NuvaPine R be used for acid reflux or GERD?Although NuvaPine R is not identical to NuvaPine A, it is helpful for conditions of hyperacidity, acid reflux and even GERD owing to its anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerant and gastro-intestinal repair properties.
What can I expect after taking NuvaPine R?Clinical studies report patients feeling more energised, having more strength and experiencing better sleep and bowel stability after treatment with polyprenols. Not just that, liver enzyme profiles and the firosis index also improved, indicating a reparative effect of damaged, fibrotic liver cells. The study concluded that patients who underwent treatment had an overall reduction in the risk of development of liver scarring and cirrhosis.
How is NuvaPine R different from NuvaPine A?NuvaPine A is a complex extract from pine conifer green needles made up of 800 different molecules including chlorophyll complexes, phytosterols, squalene, minerals and polyprenols (up to 1.2%). It is a powerful antibacterial and gastrointestinal healing agent. NuvaPine R results from a further purification of NuvaPine A to obtain polyprenols of 90% purity. Polyprenols have superior repair benefits especially at key organs such as the kidneys and liver. It also has multiple benefits for the immune system including anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties.
Who should take pine polyprenols?Presented as an oily liquid, pine polyprenols are non-toxic, non-allergenic and are easily administrable to both adults and children. The applications of polyprenols are wide ranging from liver-kidney health to immune needs to metabolic health including to lower sugar and cholesterol levels. In general, these groups of people will have a need for pine polyprenols: - Various liver conditions (hepatitis, fatty liver) - On long-term medications (strain on liver and kidneys) - Metabolic disorders - diabetes, high cholesterol, gout - High stress (strain on multiple organs) - Exposed to toxins (smokers, alcohol intake) - Hormonal imbalances - Poor immune functions (frequently ill, allergies, autoimmmune conditions) - Undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy (toxic effects on the liver)
Are there any documented cases of kidney health improvements after consuming NuvaPine R?Many patients have submitted unsolicitated accounts of their experience with NuvaPine R. This is one example of a patient with kidney degeneration after using NuvaPine R for under 2 months.
How will I know if my liver is not in good health?Most of the time, people discover that their liver is in trouble after a blood test, which shows elevated levels of AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase – markers. Another way is through an ultrasound which may show an enlarged liver, characteristic of a fatty liver. A liver biopsy is the most accurate way of investigating the condition of the liver. However, a biopsy is rarely performed except in exceptional cases as this procedure itself also carries certain health risks.
How do polyprenols help with disorders related to hormones?Hormones are secreted by various glands in the body. These glands are in turn controlled by the pituitary gland, a master gland situated at the base of the brain. The pituitary gland is highly active and dependent on dolichols for its optimal function to enable right hormonal cell-signaling processes. Polyprenols hence aid to restore the balance of various hormones.
Where can I get NuvaPine R?NuvaPine® R is available at selected independent pharmacies nationwide. It is also available online through the following links. Shopee: https://bit.ly/2sHfKgl Lazada: https://bit.ly/30pH4zk Should you require further details, please contact pharmacist@nuvanta.com