NuvaPine A 320+
Bioeffective® A是一种经过80多年研究而开发出的专利针叶树绿色针叶复合物(CGNC)。在第二次世界大战期间,长达900天的列宁格勒围城中,它发挥了至关重要的作用,不仅用于治疗伤口、感染和冻伤,还提供了救命所需的营养。
Bioeffective® A 可用于治疗或预防多种健康问题和疾病。经过临床研究,它带来了以下显著好处:
Bioeffective® A是如何发挥作用的?
Bioeffective® A中的天然松针成分通过在血液和各个器官系统中的协同作用,共同治愈并保护身体。
Bioeffective®A 液体既可单独服用,也可与水混合饮用。建议每剂在餐前约30分钟服用。
成人及10岁以上儿童:每日两次,每次将6毫升Bioeffective®A 液体与60毫升水混合后饮用。*
5-9岁儿童:每日两次,每次将3毫升Bioeffective®A 液体与60毫升水混合后饮用。*
5岁以下儿童:每日一次,将2毫升Bioeffective®A 液体与30毫升水混合后饮用。
Bioeffective® A | 治疗功效
图像 1:展示了一位患有严重单纯疱疹病毒感染的患者。
2. 改善血液质量
Bioeffective® A的深绿色彰显了其富含叶绿素的重要特征。与类胡萝卜素协同作用,这些关键成分能有效促进重金属和辐射毒素从血液中的排出,并增强血红蛋白的携氧能力。
3. 促进细胞修复与组织再生
Bioeffective® A蕴含独特的愈合成分——聚烯醇,该成分能够激活细胞、组织和器官的修复机制,加速愈合过程,并有助于调节糖、胆固醇、尿酸和肌酐的代谢平衡。
图像 2:展示了一位前趾截肢且患有糖尿病足溃疡的患者,正在接受 Bioeffective® A 的治疗。
4. 抗炎作用
Bioeffective® A能有效减轻胃肠道及各种器官系统粘膜的炎症,并促进愈合过程。
图像3展示了萎缩性胃炎患者在接受Bioeffective® A治疗前(a)与治疗后(b)的胃黏膜内窥镜图像。
5. 肠胃疗愈
Bioeffective® A 在患有癌前胃病变且同时伴有幽门螺杆菌感染和消化不良症状的患者中进行了相关研究。
92% | 缓解胃炎、疼痛、胃胀气和胃酸反流的症状
92% | 胃部癌前病变逆转为正常状态
60% | 根除幽门螺旋杆菌感染
30% | 与46%未接受治疗的患者病情恶化相比,服用者胃功能实现了正常化。
Can NuvaPine R be used for acid reflux or GERD?Although NuvaPine R is not identical to NuvaPine A, it is helpful for conditions of hyperacidity, acid reflux and even GERD owing to its anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerant and gastro-intestinal repair properties.
What can I expect after taking NuvaPine R?Clinical studies report patients feeling more energised, having more strength and experiencing better sleep and bowel stability after treatment with polyprenols. Not just that, liver enzyme profiles and the firosis index also improved, indicating a reparative effect of damaged, fibrotic liver cells. The study concluded that patients who underwent treatment had an overall reduction in the risk of development of liver scarring and cirrhosis.
How is NuvaPine R different from NuvaPine A?NuvaPine A is a complex extract from pine conifer green needles made up of 800 different molecules including chlorophyll complexes, phytosterols, squalene, minerals and polyprenols (up to 1.2%). It is a powerful antibacterial and gastrointestinal healing agent. NuvaPine R results from a further purification of NuvaPine A to obtain polyprenols of 90% purity. Polyprenols have superior repair benefits especially at key organs such as the kidneys and liver. It also has multiple benefits for the immune system including anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties.
Who should take pine polyprenols?Presented as an oily liquid, pine polyprenols are non-toxic, non-allergenic and are easily administrable to both adults and children. The applications of polyprenols are wide ranging from liver-kidney health to immune needs to metabolic health including to lower sugar and cholesterol levels. In general, these groups of people will have a need for pine polyprenols: - Various liver conditions (hepatitis, fatty liver) - On long-term medications (strain on liver and kidneys) - Metabolic disorders - diabetes, high cholesterol, gout - High stress (strain on multiple organs) - Exposed to toxins (smokers, alcohol intake) - Hormonal imbalances - Poor immune functions (frequently ill, allergies, autoimmmune conditions) - Undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy (toxic effects on the liver)
Are there any documented cases of kidney health improvements after consuming NuvaPine R?Many patients have submitted unsolicitated accounts of their experience with NuvaPine R. This is one example of a patient with kidney degeneration after using NuvaPine R for under 2 months.
How will I know if my liver is not in good health?Most of the time, people discover that their liver is in trouble after a blood test, which shows elevated levels of AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase – markers. Another way is through an ultrasound which may show an enlarged liver, characteristic of a fatty liver. A liver biopsy is the most accurate way of investigating the condition of the liver. However, a biopsy is rarely performed except in exceptional cases as this procedure itself also carries certain health risks.
How do polyprenols help with disorders related to hormones?Hormones are secreted by various glands in the body. These glands are in turn controlled by the pituitary gland, a master gland situated at the base of the brain. The pituitary gland is highly active and dependent on dolichols for its optimal function to enable right hormonal cell-signaling processes. Polyprenols hence aid to restore the balance of various hormones.
Where can I get NuvaPine R?NuvaPine® R is available at selected independent pharmacies nationwide. It is also available online through the following links. Shopee: Lazada: Should you require further details, please contact
客户评价 | NuvaPine A 320+ 用户反馈
“我已经服用质子泵抑制剂治疗我的胃酸倒流多年。它有一点帮助,但并不完全。我服用NuvaPine A是因为我想改善我的状况,并且我不想依赖这些药物,因为它们有副作用。今天,我感觉好多了,现在已经不再服药。” – Kim Soon, Melaka
“我们全家都在使用 NuvaPine A 很长一段时间了。我很高兴它终于回来了,因为我们只需要这种天然药物来治疗咳嗽、感冒和流感,甚至我丈夫的'胃病'问题。” – Maz, Kuala Lumpur
“我76岁的母亲只信任NuvaPine A来治疗她频繁的尿路感染。当我告诉她之前的植物胶囊版不再生产时,她非常沮丧。现在他们又推出了液体形式,我母亲的健康可再次得到完美的呵护了。” – Sebastian, Taiping
“我之前购买了NuvaPine A,因为我父亲的糖尿病一直未得到有效控制。该产品能够帮助平衡他的血糖水平,并让他在饮食中寻找到一些乐趣,而无需过多限制他食用不同类型的食物,这对我们产生了巨大的积极影响。” – Lilian, Kuching
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[1] Bespalov V, Sherbakov A, Novik V, Kalinovsky V, Shamsi K, Soultanov V. Conifer Green Needle Complex in Patients with Precancerous Gastric Lesions: An Observational Pilot Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016;2016:3848409